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Weekend Reading: How to Get the Most Out of Instagram

by Jason Unger, Founder
Weekend Reading

Big news! Last week we launched a Digital Ink Instagram account. We’ll be posting photos about our business but also some lifestyle pics of what we’re up to. Make sure to follow along to see what we’re up to.

Since we are just getting started in the Instagram world, we’ve been doing a lot of reading on how to maximize the unique features of Instagram. For this week’s Weekend Reading, we wanted to share some of those articles with you. Don’t forget, follow our page to make sure we’re doing everything right!

Instagram surges ahead as world’s fastest-growing social network

The photo-sharing site saw a 23% jump in active users … Nielsen’s annual list of the most popular smartphone apps in the US over 2013, published in December, highlighted how Instagram had come from nowhere to occupy the number-seven spot with 31,992,000 unique monthly users on iOS and Android devices.

Quick Take: You know that saying, “everybody’s doing it?” Well, that’s definitely the case with Instagram. Everyone is creating an account and starting to use the photo editing features to share photos with their networks. It’s a great way to tell stories, so if you’re ready to jump in, do it now!

First Look – Measuring the Effectiveness of Brand Advertising Campaigns on Instagram

Ads on Instagram are designed to support brands focused on reaching large audiences with memorable, high quality content. We think this aligns with the way people and brands already use Instagram – sharing photos and videos that capture a moment, inspire others, or shift perceptions.

Quick Take: Instagram is really starting to target businesses, even launching a blog just for businesses. Instagram ads were just launched in November, and they are really trying to find the best way to integrate ads into the program. While not available to the public yet, now’s the time to get “in the know.”

26 Tips for Using Instagram for Business

Businesses can host photo contests on Instagram using hashtags to organize submissions and an RSS feed to follow along with new photos as they’re added. Samsung Camera used the hashtag #LiveInTheMoment to successfully promote their Instagram photo contest on their Facebook page.

Quick Take: Here’s a fun way to use Instagram – you may have already seen these contests. It’s a great way to get people involved in your page and find new followers as well.

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About Jason Unger

Jason Unger is the Founder of Digital Ink. He built his first website on Geocities, and hasn't looked back since. Digital Ink tells stories for forward-thinking businesses, mission-driven organizations, and marketing and technology agencies in need of a creative and digital partner.

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